If something exists as judged by using all or any of the senses but there are no words or diagrams to describe that something then it does not exist in terms of knowledge. The something is only known about through awareness and is only communicated via the Human communication system(Hcom) which in turn is in communication with all things (Allcom).
When words, theories, including visual, all sense, and diagrammatic reference, are developed that accurately describe the something then it exists in terms of knowledge and language and therefore can then be taught about at home and within the education system. This applies to an object or something more complicated like being alive and associated theories. However the very existance of such words or theories can proclude the use of the innate abilities of the human race that already exist. In a sense therefore to use those abilities it becomes necessary to ‘forget’ that the theories exist and simply concentrate on the task in hand.
It is very important therefore that any theory associated with the living system of the human race should be expressed in words and diagrams that accurately describe the actuality that the theory represents.
There are many experiences that are experienced by many people as a result of being alive that have been described in different ways dependant on the training and education of the person concerned e.g seeing of an image has been referred to as symptomatic of a eidectic memory in psycology and in the field of mental health as an hallucination, symptomatic of a mental illness. There are many such examples in which words are used which are not sufficiently definitive. Similies, metaphors, poetry and art work and mystical reference are used to describe the happening or experience e.g ‘there is a twinkle in his eyes’, which is actually associated with an increased brightness of the cornea which perhaps could be used as a scientific guide to health and a guide as to whether the person is enjoying themselves particularly when we accept the fact that that particular phenomena can be affected by what a person is thinking which can be controlled by the person concerned. A personal example of this is what was called a psychosis, manic depression now called bipolar disorder, I called a ‘Wonderland of Discovery’.
It is a fact however that even when the desired objective of finding the correct words or diagrams is achieved the fulfilment of desires, whether they be those that require language or thought or not, can be frustrated by the very existence of such words and diagrams and associated instructions which are only necessary to teach and communicate the theories within our society or any society dependant on language for communication without such theories of course the human race continues to what it is doing and enjoying what they are doing but never to be communicated in words, diagrams, lectures; web sites; videos etc without which the discoveries remain undiscovered eg I have referred to something that may exist called converted sunlight as emissions from the retina reference the pictorial image discovery. A strawberry exists as something that will satisfy my desire for food I do not need to know that the object is called a strawberry to satisfy that same desire.
The validation of the theories which need to be done before introduction into the education system, in a lot of cases can be done on a personal basis, subjective validation, and on a scientific basis. A basic assumption for theory development is that we are all of the same fundamental design allowing for obvious differences associated with gender .
You will discover that most my theories make very little reference to what is happening inside the body and are an attempt to describe something that is happening as a result of being alive and/or what a person is doing. The majority of these can be worded or depicted in two ways one using the ‘theoretical tense’ and secondly using the personal tense, the latter assists a person with training to verify the truth of the theoretical statements using his/her sense organs once the words or diagrams are understood. I have used I and we and the ‘theoretical tense’ as seems appropriate. The personal confirmation of the theory does not mean that a person can necessaryily achieve the resultant theoretical outcomes that the theory implies simply because of personal factors like early educational opportunities, personal problems that a person may have, however this does not invalidate the confirmation of the theory since that is an activity in it’s own right. In summary, subjective through awareness to objective using my thinking ability and back to subjective for personal confirmation. I have done the personal confirmations and I believe it is quite possible that the various theories involved can be confirmed scientifically using surveys with appropriate designed questionaires and straightforward theoretical research using scientific equipment.
Articles, chapters in books or theories can be developed as I have done about the existence of something called desires, urges to do something, without any reference to ‘I’. It is when the theory is expressed using ‘I’ that the theory becomes not only relevant as an interesting theory but more importantly as an integral part of a person’s daily existence to which the person can relate. The fact is the person will be already doing what I have described but without any thinking or the necessity to talk. It is most certainly very important to know or develop theories about what is happening inside the brain and body but this is often not relevant to the fulfillment of the desire or the achievement of the objective concerned.
If something exists as judged by using all or any of the senses but there are no words or diagrams to describe that something then it does not exist in terms of knowledge. The something is only known about through awareness and is only communicated via the Human communication system(Hcom) which in turn is in communication with all things (Allcom).
When words, theories, including visual, all sense, and diagrammatic reference, are developed that accurately describe the something then it exists in terms of knowledge and language and therefore can then be taught about at home and within the education system. This applies to an object or something more complicated like being alive and associated theories. However the very existance of such words or theories can proclude the use of the innate abilities of the human race that already exist. In a sense therefore to use those abilities it becomes necessary to ‘forget’ that the theories exist and simply concentrate on the task in hand.
It is very important therefore that any theory associated with the living system of the human race should be expressed in words and diagrams that accurately describe the actuality that the theory represents.
There are many experiences that are experienced by many people as a result of being alive that have been described in different ways dependant on the training and education of the person concerned e.g seeing of an image has been referred to as symptomatic of a eidectic memory in psycology and in the field of mental health as an hallucination, symptomatic of a mental illness. There are many such examples in which words are used which are not sufficiently definitive. Similies, metaphors, poetry and art work and mystical reference are used to describe the happening or experience e.g ‘there is a twinkle in his eyes’, which is actually associated with an increased brightness of the cornea which perhaps could be used as a scientific guide to health and a guide as to whether the person is enjoying themselves particularly when we accept the fact that that particular phenomena can be affected by what a person is thinking which can be controlled by the person concerned. A personal example of this is what was called a psychosis, manic depression now called bipolar disorder, I called a ‘Wonderland of Discovery’.
It is a fact however that even when the desired objective of finding the correct words or diagrams is achieved the fulfilment of desires, whether they be those that require language or thought or not, can be frustrated by the very existence of such words and diagrams and associated instructions which are only necessary to teach and communicate the theories within our society or any society dependant on language for communication without such theories of course the human race continues to what it is doing and enjoying what they are doing but never to be communicated in words, diagrams, lectures; web sites; videos etc without which the discoveries remain undiscovered eg I have referred to something that may exist called converted sunlight as emissions from the retina reference the pictorial image discovery. A strawberry exists as something that will satisfy my desire for food I do not need to know that the object is called a strawberry to satisfy that same desire.
The validation of the theories which need to be done before introduction into the education system, in a lot of cases can be done on a personal basis, subjective validation, and on a scientific basis. A basic assumption for theory development is that we are all of the same fundamental design allowing for obvious differences associated with gender .
You will discover that most my theories make very little reference to what is happening inside the body and are an attempt to describe something that is happening as a result of being alive and/or what a person is doing. The majority of these can be worded or depicted in two ways one using the ‘theoretical tense’ and secondly using the personal tense, the latter assists a person with training to verify the truth of the theoretical statements using his/her sense organs once the words or diagrams are understood. I have used I and we and the ‘theoretical tense’ as seems appropriate. The personal confirmation of the theory does not mean that a person can necessaryily achieve the resultant theoretical outcomes that the theory implies simply because of personal factors like early educational opportunities, personal problems that a person may have, however this does not invalidate the confirmation of the theory since that is an activity in it’s own right. In summary, subjective through awareness to objective using my thinking ability and back to subjective for personal confirmation. I have done the personal confirmations and I believe it is quite possible that the various theories involved can be confirmed scientifically using surveys with appropriate designed questionaires and straightforward theoretical research using scientific equipment.
Articles, chapters in books or theories can be developed as I have done about the existence of something called desires, urges to do something, without any reference to ‘I’. It is when the theory is expressed using ‘I’ that the theory becomes not only relevant as an interesting theory but more importantly as an integral part of a person’s daily existence to which the person can relate. The fact is the person will be already doing what I have described but without any thinking or the necessity to talk. It is most certainly very important to know or develop theories about what is happening inside the brain and body but this is often not relevant to the fulfillment of the desire or the achievement of the objective concerned.