Poetry is one way of communicating my understanding. Unfortunately scientists do not accept poetry as part of a theoretical statement. I therefore decided to develop my understanding into theoretical frameworks. You will find some of the theories that I have developed on my Discoveries page.
Theories provide the basis for major changes in education. Please note the page header image used throughout my website. It is education that provides the basis for our future development. I am working on getting some of my theories accepted in universities. Let us not forget however that poetic expression of our experiences and ideas has its own very important part to play in us all communicating our understanding of ourselves to each other.
A good example of the progression from poetic expression to theory is to follow the connection from my poem Seen From Within into the Pictorial Image Discovery. The key realisation 'came' when, as I was reading the poem, I became aware that what I was attempting to describe was something I was seeing when my eyelids were in the lowered position: --WOW -- WOW was the outcome. I progressively recovered from the WOW factor to develop the theory. It may be quite a surprise when you implement the instruction in the Pictorial Image page and discover the truth of the discovery. The Seen From Within, the title of the poem, was when my eyelids were in the lowered position!
Similarly the poems Perfect Peace and Perfect Bliss prompted the realisation that, what I was referring to in a poetic way, was the State of Being Alive in which enjoyment is the intrinsic overall objective only thinking when it is necessary.
Theories provide the basis for major changes in education. Please note the page header image used throughout my website. It is education that provides the basis for our future development. I am working on getting some of my theories accepted in universities. Let us not forget however that poetic expression of our experiences and ideas has its own very important part to play in us all communicating our understanding of ourselves to each other.
A good example of the progression from poetic expression to theory is to follow the connection from my poem Seen From Within into the Pictorial Image Discovery. The key realisation 'came' when, as I was reading the poem, I became aware that what I was attempting to describe was something I was seeing when my eyelids were in the lowered position: --WOW -- WOW was the outcome. I progressively recovered from the WOW factor to develop the theory. It may be quite a surprise when you implement the instruction in the Pictorial Image page and discover the truth of the discovery. The Seen From Within, the title of the poem, was when my eyelids were in the lowered position!
Similarly the poems Perfect Peace and Perfect Bliss prompted the realisation that, what I was referring to in a poetic way, was the State of Being Alive in which enjoyment is the intrinsic overall objective only thinking when it is necessary.